Weather the Storm: Kansas Public Storm Water Improvements Project

Athletes everywhere know the feeling of going to school all day and looking forward to stretching out the lethargic stress from the day playing the sport they love only for practice to be cancelled due to storms or other bad weather. It is depressing and although a break might be necessary and appreciated, there is nothing more frustrating than having practice cancelled because of flooded fields even though the sun is out and shining. Kansas, known for their volatile weather, desires to help alleviate some of these frustrations by putting a request for proposal that entails reconstruction and reinforcement of corrugated metal pipes in the public storm water area in the Mid-America West Sports Complex in Shawnee County, Kansas, with additional work that includes surface restoration in areas such as sidewalks and sod replacement that will help minimize flooded fields for patrons of the complex.

If interested, clock here to learn more. Submissions are accepted until August 2, 2024 at 10:00 AM CDT.